Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Home school is a go!

     We started home schooling Alex and Samie a few weeks ago.  he are both registered through Florida virtual School.  This mean they are still Florida students, but the home educated students at the same time.  They both got huge boxes of books and workbooks.  They even got paint brushes and safety goggles to use too.  Samie loves the yoga CD she got and has even done it a few times already.

     Oh...I am also exited to be getting into my couponing again!  I went on a big trip last Friday and saved $84.  I had to do two transactions in order to use my two $5 coupons.  So I spent $130 instead of over $200.  

     Plus, a huge perk for shopping at Winn Dixie is their Fuel Perks program.  This is a way to earn money off at the gas pump by just shopping and buying groceries.  I have gotten as much as $1.50 off PER gallon of gas before.  This was back when gas was over $4 a gallon so it was awesome to get it back under $3!  It is usually about $.05 per $50 you spend, but they have bonus items that give you money on top of your added up amount.  Did I mention tthat the $50 is added up over the month.  So if you spend $25 today an $25 tomorrow...there's $50 and your first $.05 off.  It's that easy and when everything is expensive...even $.05 off is a big deal.

     Well I better get going on my own school work.  I can't wait until May 2014....NO SCHOOL FOR ME!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Our new Adventure...

     ...most of you know that I have pretty much been a college student since July 2009.  Did you guys know that Mike went back to school a few years ago?  We both will graduate with BS degrees next year, Me in May and him just a few months later.  So to take notes...Mike and I = Full time students.  Bonus points for Mike = he also works full time outside the house as a manager for Staples.  Not so "easy"!  AND now...we decided to homeschool both Alex and Samie.  They are actually going through FLVS and listed as full time home educated children.  It was really easy to get them signed up and they even got all their text books mailed to them and even a few art supplies for "Art Class".  I had them doing workbooks and stuff all summer so they would get to know what's it was like working at home.  It's still a battle to get them to sit at the computer and do their work, but it's only week 2 and we're still trying to get into a groove with it.

     Mike and I are geeks...we know know it...end of story.  I was goofing off one night on youtube and found the best channel EVER!  It's tabletop which is produced by the King of geeks Mr. Wil Wheaten and the Queen of geeks Ms. Felicia Day.  It is freaking awesome and so funny.  They basically play board games and video themselves and friends doing it.  But these just aren't any board  These are games probably no one has ever heard of.  We have even thought about looking some of them up online to get and play at home.

     Anyway...lunch break for us school students.  Take care and leave a comment if you want.