Well, I can say that I have found something that helps a smidgen. Google has a calendar that you can color code! Seriously...you would have thought a rainbow died on my screen on most days.
I actually really love it. Every family member has their own color. I can even change these colors if I ever need to. My daughter wanted hot pink and that wasn't in the standard color list. I can plan meals ahead of time which makes grocery shopping easier too. I just pull the calendar up on my phone and scroll through the weekly menu. That way there is rarely unexpected missing ingredients anymore. I have recently started using the daily reminders too. I even have a reminder to water my plants that are outside. I have that classic "out of sight, out of mind" issue. I have recently added taking my daily vitamins on there too. This one is a bit easier for me to remember most days, but having several reminders checked off makes me feel good at the end of the day.
I would love to be able to have the pretty organizers that I can carry around in my purse. Lord knows I have a few hundred posted on pinterest! You can print the Google calendar out in several sizes. It's just that my days seem to change so much that it would be a lot of paper and ink to go through.
Needless to say I think I will be adding blog updates on my reminders list too. Maybe that will help me make more than one or two entries a year...LOL