I am at my wits end...or close to it...on how I can bring more money into the house. Poor hubby is getting pretty stressed out on how to juggle bills, groceries, and still having fun. We have had an Amway business for a few years, but we can't seem to get anyone to buy anything. My dad buys his Fruit & Veggie pills at a huge discount through us. I love him and his help, but that isn't enough to really even qualify for a paycheck. I have posted discounted prices on Facebook...I have tried to stir an interest in signing up under us on Facebook...I'm kinda at a lose of what else to do to try and drum up extra sales.
I haven't talked to the hubby about it yet, but I am toying around with the idea of becoming a Thirty One consultant. I still have to figure out how to raise the $100 start up fee, but I rarely see any of them around. My MIL is sweet and we were thinking of going in on a candle business. She knows a rep that is getting out of the business and was willing to pass us on some of her customers and a bit of her supplies. But when I did some easy research I found that there were a ton of reps in my church. I would just be one small fish among all the others in a small pond.
Anyone ever had luck on LinkedIn? I even recently updated that with my new graduation info and stuff to try and find some interested businesses out there. I have actually seen an increase in traffic to my profile, but no bites of interest yet.
I have my small craft business, but since in mostly consists of beanies and scarves...it's really only a seasonal income for me. And a small income at that! I can say that the time off has given me time to get my yearly donations done early. This year I will be giving away 6 dozen hats to Operation Christmas Child. I was only to donate about a dozen last year.
I will stick to my crazy coupon collection to try and save money for now. But, I need to make more than I spend...LOL
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